Cornu Nedeii Ciungii Bălăsinei


The reserve is situated in Borsa locality and it has a surface of 800 ha.

Natural reserve, fourth IUCN category

The fauna reserve Cornu Nedeii Ciungii Bălăsinei has as the main purpose the protection of the Black Grous - Lyrurus tetrixpopulations.


It has been established in 1971 and it is administrated by Maramures Mountains Nature Park.

The mountain height of the reserve is represented by a varied geological substratum (crystalline, sedimentary and volcanic rocks) with exocarstic sectors: sinkholes, karst springs (“Fantana Stanchii” zone), limestones abruptements (Cearcanul, “Stana Sasului”, “Podul Cearcanului”), glacial buckets (the northern side of the Jupania Peck).

The hydrographical network is represented by the three hydrographical basins: Tisa, Somes, Prut with the following rivers: Tasla, Balasana, Sesuri, Valcanescu, Hasmar. The reserves vegetation is formed by mountain planes (60%), coniferous and juniper tree forests (40%) – Jupania (the most extended from the Carpathians Mountains), Cornul Nedeii and Cearcanul Mestecanis. The juniper tree forests make the habitat for the Black Grous. The fauna is represented by Capercaillie - Tetraourogallus and Black Grous - Lyrurus tetrix.


Farcau Peak - Vinderel Lake - Mihailecu Peak

This natural protected area is situated on the administrative territory of the Repedea and Poienile de Sub Munte localities and it has a surface of 150,00 ha, at 1700 m altitude.

Natural reserve, fourth IUCN category

The purpose of this reserve is to conserve the natural habitats for wild flora and fauna and the biological diversity.


This reserve has been established in 1994 as a geological, faunistical and landscape reserve and it is administrated by Maramures Mountains Nature Park because it has been conceived as a special conservation area.

The reserve is a mountain ridge with two prominent peaks (Farcau, Mihailecu) and it has glacier relief on the north (Farcau) and east side (Groapa Julii, Groapa Bologhii, Groapa Lupilor). The Vinderel Lake is situated on the saddle existent between the two peaks, this been a plane area slightly inclined toward west, where are present other dropped out lakes too. This lake is 155 m long and 85 m wide, it has a surface of 0,90 ha at a maximum depth of 5,5 m.

The vegetation is represented by the following species: Edelweiss - Leontopodium alpinum, Peat Mosses - Polytricum sp, Cottongrass - Eriophorum angustifolium, Fewflower Sedge - Carex pauciflora, Short Sedge- Carex canescens, Beaked Sedge - Carex rostrata, Bog Blueberry - Vaccinium uliginosum, Buckbean - Menyanthes trifoliata, Hawkweed - Hieracium alpinum, Crocus - Crocus heufellianus. There are also algae like Mallomonas actinoloma var. Maramuresensis and two species of newt - Triturus alpestris, Triturus montandoni.

Tomnatec-Sehleanu Narcissus Meadow


This reserve is situated in Repedea locality and it has a surface of 100 ha.

Natural reserve, third IUCN category

The main purpose of this protected area is to conserve the Narcissus station located at the highest altitude from the county.


Its statute has been purposed in 1994 as a floral and landscape reserve (a plane with Narcissus) and its administration is made by Maramures Mountains Nature Park Administration because it is a special zone of conservation.

he Sehleanu Meadow is situated in the south part of the Tomnatec Peck, which has 1618 m high, and from beneath it starts the homonym valley. The area’s vegetation is typical for the alpine desert; there is a compact Narcissus station - Narcius radiiflorus in association with Gentian - Gentiana clusii and Snowbell - Soldanella hungarica.

The representative fauna is composed by: Brown Bear - Ursus arctos, Raven - Corvus corax, Carpathian Stag – Cervus elaphus and Wild Boar – Sus scrofa.


Sâlhoi Zâmbroslavele Rocks


The reserve is situated in Borsa locality, it has a surface of 1 ha.

Natural Reserve, third IUCN category

The main purpose of this protected area is to conserve the biological diversity.


The area in which the reserve is situated is a slow slope on the right side of Maguritei Peak with Eocene limestone cloddish, which had fallen down from the rocks above. There are two marshy spring areas with the substratum made of this Eocene limestone cloddish and here are the two places where the Pyrenean Scurvygrass - Cochlearia pyrenaica var. borzaeana grows.